Results of horizontal strabismus surgery in the period from 2017 to 2023 at the Clinic for Eye Diseases Tuzla

Sasa Koca, Meliha Halilbasic


Aim: To evaluate results of surgical intervention of horizontal strabismus  or to evaluate results of horizontal strabismus surgery intervention and to identify factors that influence the success of the surgery. Medical documentation of 144 patients that have done their first horizontal strabismus

surgery at the Clinic for Eye Diseases in Tuzla from February 2017 until February 2023. Main measure of successful surgery was defined as an eye deviation no more than 10 prism diopters 2 years after the surgery. Results of post-operative binocular vision and vision acuity improvements were analyzed. Pre-operative deviation, diagnosis, binocular function, visual acuity and age were analyzed as factors that influence the success of the surgery.

Patients and methods: Patients were divided into 2 groups, first under the age of 7 (48.6%) and above the age of 7 (51.4%). In order to assess set goals of the research, Chi square test, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and logistic regression analysis with forced entry were used. Average age of the respondents was 9.67±4.15 years old (med. 8, mod. 7, min. 5 and max 20), while 69 (47.9%) had esotropia and 75 (52.1%) had exotropia. Average pre-operative deviation was 6.62±42.28 PD, (median 0, modus 60 PD), while minimum and maximum deviation was in range from -60 PD to +35 PD. Average post-operative deviation was 5.46±10.06 PD.

Results:Success of the surgery for esotrpia was 49.3% and for 97.3%. Before surgery, 13 (9%) had binocular vision, and after the surgery 80 (55.6%) of the respondents had the binocular vision. Success rate of the surgery was 67.1% for respondents younger than 7 and was 81.1% for the respondents older than 7.

Conlusion: No statistically significant improvement for vision acuity was observed.



strabismus, amblyopia, sugery

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DOI: 10.5457/ams.v53i2.748