Delay in diagnosis of foreign body aspiration in children
Introduction: This study aims to compare the early and late diagnosis of foreign body aspiration (FBA) in children.
Patients and methods: A pediatric rigid bronchoscpe under general anesthesia was used to identify and extract the foreign body in 48 children up to 14 years old. A retrospective review of a 4-year experience (from 2011 to 2014) in ENT Clinic Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Results: The were slight prevalence of boys, the majority were up to three years, average time for bronchoscopy was 90.7 hours. There was not significant difference between timing for bronchoscopy for children under and above three years. Near 100% children had timing for bronchoscopy less than one week.
Conclusion: Delay in diagnosis of foreign body aspiration can produce morbidity in children and foreign body aspiration always has to be in mind when children have cough like main symptom. Early referral of patients following foreign body aspiration should be encouraged.
DOI: 10.5457/ams.v49i1.482